
Mizael is 12 years old. He is in 6th grade. His favorite color is black. He likes to play football and fly kites. When he grows up he wants to be a math teacher. He lives with his parents and his 2 two brothers (one younger bother and one older brother). His father is a mechanic and also works as an Uber driver. He likes coming to FAD  because he learns about God and makes new friends.   His favorite food is chicken fricassê. Mizael has  lots of energy and he is very chatty. He is a very smart boy.

When you click “Sponsor Now”, you will be taken to the secure site to enter your credit card information. You will receive a packet with information about the child you are sponsoring in the next week or two. Thank you for your incredible generosity! 


Mizael  2-xxx-01 

What does it mean to sponsor a child?


The monthly income provided by our sponsors is the primary source of revenue that we use to operate our community center in Brazil. Because all of the operations in the US are performed by volunteers, and these volunteers also contribute the funds for any costs incurred in the US, 100% of your sponsorship contribution goes to the operations in Brazil. The cost to sponsor a child in Brazil is $50 per month. Please note that we want everyone to be able to participate in this ministry, so if that amount would be a strain on your finances, please contact us and we will set you up on a shared sponsorship where each of the shared sponsors contributes $25 per month.

At our community center in Brazil, all of the children who are in the program can participate whether they have a sponsor yet or not. The money does not go to the child, but to the general budget that is used for all of the children and all of the operations. This money is used to pay for the operation of the center, payroll for staff members, and meals for the children. You, as a sponsor will receive updates on your sponsored child and the ministry in general. You will receive occasional letters from the child that you are connected to and you are able to communicate to your sponsored child as well. (For the safety of the children, all communications must go through our organization.) MAD Ministry encourages it’s volunteers, sponsors, donors, and employees to become emotionally and spiritually vested in this ministry. We realize that giving is a two-way street and that love flows both directions providing incredible blessings to the givers.

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